Earth (Trailer)Earth is an award-winning British natural history film from the BBC Natural History Unit, released in cinemas internationally in 2007 and due to be released in the US on 22 April 2009. The British version was narrated by Patrick Stewart and the US version is to be narrated by James Earl Jones.
A UK-German co-production, it was filmed entirely in high-definition and 35mm using the latest filming techniques. A companion piece to the 2006 BBC/Discovery/NHK series Planet Earth, the film uses many of the sequences from the television series, albeit in a re-edited form.
Earth depicts the diversity of wild habitats and creatures across the planet and cautions the threats to their future survival. It was co-directed by Alastair Fothergill, who also acted as executive producer of the television series, and Mark Linfield, also the producer of Planet Earth’s "From Pole to Pole" and "Seasonal Forests" episodes.
The same production team had previously worked on Deep Blue, a documentary about life in the oceans released in 2003 and itself based on the television series The Blue Planet. They are currently working on a television sequel to Planet Earth called The Frozen Planet and a feature-length documentary (in conjunction with Disneynature) called Chimpanzee.